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Dormer Ladies Night 2022

On Saturday 26th February, at Croydon and District Masonic Hall, Dormer Lodge held it’s first Ladies Night since COVID hit, and the Country went into lockdown.

The Worshipful Master and his Lady had three objectives for the evening:

  • To thank the Ladies and partners for their support during the past two years.

  • To raise some much-needed funds for their chosen charities.

  • For everyone present to have some “fun” after a torrid two years.

All three objectives were met and surpassed, with good food, great service, and fantastic music, which all made for an awesome atmosphere.

The two charities chosen were UK Sepsis Trust and Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD).

UK Sepsis Trust

Sepsis is a life-threatening condition that arises when the body’s response to an infection by injuring its own tissues and organs.

The money raised for The UK Sepsis Trust is in the memory of Freya Wells, the most beautiful princess who lost her life due to Sepsis on 22nd November 2012, just before her 5th birthday. Freya would have been 14 in December 2021.

Freya’s family and friends have been raising money for The UK Sepsis Trust in memory of Freya ever since that tragic day. The money raised at this Ladies Night takes them past their £10,000 target.

Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD)

DMD is a rapidly progressive form of muscular dystrophy that occurs primarily in boys. It is caused by an alteration (mutation) in a gene, called the DMD gene that can be inherited in families.

DMD affects approximately 1 in 3500 male births worldwide.

In Ralphy’s case there was no family history!

From the age of 7 Ralphy needed a power chair. His arms are slowly getting weaker so needs help to do most things and he has started taking preventive heart medication to keep him stronger for longer.

Ralphy takes everything life throws at him with a smile on his face! Nothing is a problem and he has never once complained!

The evening in total raised £1822, which exceeded all expectations, so much so that a decision was made to donate some of the money raised to Teddies for Loving Care (TLC).

Dormer Lodge continues to support both National and Local charities. As such we are keen to organise our next Ladies Night for the incoming Master and his Lady.


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