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Dormer & Corinthian Socials, LOI

Plenty of social events have been orgnaised by the Province of Surrey's 1837 Club, with a charity poker night taking place at Sutton Masonic Center on Friday 1st March. Lady luck was not on Bro Neil's side that evening, loosing poorly for a good cause and wonderfull evening was well worth it.

Members of Dormer and Corinthina Lodges met on Friday 15th of March for an enjoyable social ahead of Corinthian's last regular meeting for the season and Dormer's Instalation meeting on the 20th of April which will witness the Instalation of W.Bro Steve Wright as Master of Dormer Lodge. The international flavour was not only provided by the food, though the company also, with visiting Brethren from accross the Globe joining in the festivities to meet members of the Province.

On Saturday 13th April 2024, Brovs Chris Koje and Neil Jones attended the James Terry Lodge, Lodge of Instruction. A very humbling experience to spend time in a Masonic Care home, well attended by Brothers from accross the Province.

And finally for this post, members of Dormer Lodge have been busy attending various LOI evening ahead of important meetings for the Lodge. Particularly inspirational has been the opportunity for younger and newer Freemasons to attend educational events, share learning and discuss important aspects of our history and grow in Masonic knowledge.


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